Origins Game Fair

Amazing update to share today! The first two Yorick films, "Ye Most Excellent and Adventuresome True Historie of Yorick" and "The Voyage of the Golden Hind-er" have been chosen as official selections in the Origins Film Festival, part of the Origins Game Fair in Columbus, Ohio, one of the largest gaming conventions in the world!

 ....and we will be attending as they sent us free full convention passes! Pretty exciting stuff! Columbus is a great town - we were last there in 2011 for the Marathon, and I'm looking forward to seeing the changes that have occurred since then. Seeing my little films on a big screen with an actual audience is going to be a very strange (as in unusual and exciting) experience. Also looking forward to checking out some new games!

Later today will post the promised stills from "A Bolt from the Blue" and "Espressivo: a Love Song to Coffee"....and maybe a wee peek into the future.
