Updates and exciting news!

Updates are far overdue here at Rusty Bolt! Let's see:

"A Bolt from the Blue" screened at "We Like 'Em Short" film festival in Oregon in late August. Then it was accepted at the Soo Film Festival and will be screening there on September 16th! Info here:
Soo Film Festival.

"Espressivo: A Love Song to Coffee" has been accepted to screen at the Women Over 50 Film Festival in Brighton, UK on September 17th! (That's going to be a busy weekend for Rusty Bolt). More info here: WOFFF . Here's the great poster from the event (you can see me with the girls in a coffee cup if you look carefully):

...and, "Titania Sleeps" was accepted as a finalist by the Shakespeare Shorts: Crossing Borders festival and will screen there on September 23, actually in Stratford-upon-Avon! "The Voyage of the Golden Hind-er" was also an official selection.

The Berlin Flash Film Festival selected "Titania Sleeps" and "You Are here" and the Barcelona Planet FF chose "Titania Sleeps", "You Are Here" and "Gonna Roll them Bones". (These two FF are online fests chosen by jury).

Whew! Things are getting exciting! Stay tuned - I will do my best to update more frequently, honest!
Meanwhile, to give you a Yorick fix, here's a pic of him in a new hat given to me by my 8-year-old niece. He's all ready for winter!
