Tuesday Musings - A Roundup of the Week's "Rusty Bolt" News!

Quite a bit of news this week! First off, "Requiem for the Lost" screened in Vancouver as part of the Miniature Film Festival on Thursday, and was awarded a Director's Award! This unique festival only screens one-minute films. I'm very pleased to be honoured with this award!

Both "And She Rode Forth" and the web series, "22 Bones, the Adventures of Yorick, a Skull" have been accepted into the Mediterranean Film Festival Cannes! Screening later this month.

And, speaking of the web series, my last several "Musings" have been about the new software and entering the company's contest...well, my efforts have been recognized! The announcements of winners is on their website here: Animation At Work Contest Winners  Click on the "Creative" tab [edit: changed to "Judges' Awards" tab] to see the wonderful Judges' Comments for my category and entry. So exciting! Since entering, I have finished that episode (it will go live on Thursday the 21st) as well as two additional complete episodes using the software. I'm well into the fourth episode featuring it right now. I guess you could say it has exceeded my expectations as a filmmaking tool!
