"The Sound of the Dragonfly's Wings"

My latest animated film is finished! Taking inspiration from my training in Iaido (the Japanese art of drawing the sword and cutting), washi (decorative paper), artistic sword fittings, etc., it is a meditative study on the power of sound and visualisation. And here's a little peek into my creative process: this is the "idea board" for the piece, laying out colour schemes and decorative concepts with washi for each section. Not a storyboard, but more a catalyst for inspiration.

Things usually flow in a state of flux in a project like this, and I go with a general idea for each part, which then gets fully fleshed out. I know it's not how most people work, but I love being surprised by the juxtapostion of factors and visual layers. Anyway, here it is, on Vimeo. I hope that you enjoy it!
