Tuesday Musings - I Blather on Some More

A bit more of harping on the "one person studio" string! [Maybe a bit of filler as I mope around in my technically-advanced Ultrasling...see earlier post on shoulder surgery]

Being my own boss and the complete team has its good points and bad. The Good: I can take a day off without having to come up with an elaborate buildup and raspy "cough, cough" phone call; I work as many hours a day as I want; my ideas are seldom vetoed; I don't have to wait for others to finish their part of the project in order to continue mine; I have ULTIMATE CONTROL over the finished product (mwa-ha-ha); I don't have to sit through endless meetings or conference calls (it would look kind of weird talking to myself); I don't have to answer to investors or other team members, or try to get everyone together for shoots or planning meetings. The Bad: My ideas are seldom vetoed (does anyone else actually "get" what I'm doing?); virtually no networking. Still, this is the way I work best, and the films I make are the way I want them to be. Let me be very clear: this way of doing things is the ultimate luxury. I make no money (and spend quite a bit). I imagine I will never be well-known in filmmaking circles. But I am Happy in my retirement, doing something that makes me feel creatively fulfilled and drawing on ideas and concepts developed over the years. It is more than enough.

NEXT TIME - How a stop motion film is made, part 1.

No film updates this week! But I will give an update on my ability to work one-handed. I'm a lefty (my right shoulder was repaired) so I'm a step ahead there, and have found that I can do a lot of the prelim graphic work one-handed, it just takes a bit longer, so Hooray! I'm going to try some actual animation (not stop motion - that's way too complicated one-handed)...will keep you posted.

[This post isn't bad for a one-handed typist, huh?]😀
