Tuesday Musings - The (possibly) long road to the finish.

My hope last week that the first full draft of "Joyfully" would be finished by now came true! Two minutes and twenty-three seconds worth of rich graphics with music by Bach now enters the final editing phase. Sometimes this doesn't take long, sometimes it's endless, sometimes I'm never completely satisfied; we'll see how it goes this time. Lately, many of my projects have been completely edited in sections (not always the case, as I have done a film where everything appears to be in one take with the central character always on screen as the world changes around them), so the final tweak is really about the integration of the parts and any little details that can be applied to the whole. It's always easy to go back to the individual parts as well, if need be. I think the edit of this one is going to go pretty quickly and smoothly, hopefully....maybe...possibly. Will it translate well to a big screen? Always a big question mark with animation.
I've been targeting fests for this one beyond my favourites, and I think some dance film festivals might be appropriate - those that accept experimental or animated films related to dance.



"And She Rode Forth...." will be showing at this year's Detroit Shetown Film Festival in September! I will likely be able to attend and am looking forward to the second season of this festival at Cinema Detroit!
